Advanced Training


Initial Cycle
->Advanced Training
Specialist Skills


During the career of a Special Forces soldier he will operate under a very wide range of conditions. This will include being deployed by air, sabre or submarine. This may include having to ambush convoys with armoured cars and tanks. You may have to find a high net worth individual or rescue hostages. There is no limit to the possibilities.

To be able to meet the need the Special Force Operator will do training for his entire career. Of this some 60% will be re-training of base skills and the rest will be to acquire advanced levels on the topic. It is normal for a soldier to end up doing the following advanced training:

81mm Mortar Course
Advanced Demolitions
Free Fall and Instructors
Advanced Medics
Heavy Weapons
Combat Shooting
Advanced Urban

The process is done to make sure the soldier is ready for the call. We go by day or night, in any direction, by land air or sea. This is what being Special is all about.


Handbook demolitions

Basic Demolitions is the standard course for students on the initial cycle. This teaches operational tactics and skills for soldier...

Handbook SF orientation

This course taught the skills to work with all the weapons and equipment available on all sides...

Handbook Air orientation

This course taught the skills to work with the Air force in all dimensions Some of the contents covered are...

The Recces - We Fear Naught but God