In November 2013 the new South African Special Forces Association (SASFA) was established as an NPO under the leadership of Callie Roos. Soon hereafter Flip Marx donated a property to the East of Pretoria to the Association. The Association has honoured this opportunity by strategising a sustainable development to the benefit of all its members. The obvious structure was that of a registered Non Profit Company (NPC) that would protect the heritage of the South African Special Forces veterans into perpetuity. In April 2014 an application to register the South African Special Forces Heritage Foundation as an NPC was submitted to the Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission (CIPC). Today the Company is registered of which the purpose is to protect all the assets of the South African Special Forces Association (SASFA). The Fort Recce site – officially recorded as Portion 280 of portion 26 Tiegerpoort 371JR – is now the registered property of the South African Special Forces Heritage Foundation.

Our Vision

To act as the custodians and guardians of the South African Special Forces by preserving and developing specific infrastructure assets and protecting legally allocated South African Special Forces copyrights and trademarks.

Our Mission

To develop specific infrastructure and assets that enable associated SASFA structures to act commercially, by:
Developing assets, such as Fort Recce and other developments in the future.
Allocating legally registered trademarks and copyrights to Recce Inc. to develop and market commercially.
Creating infrastructure for the protection and preservation of the South African Special Forces culture and history.


Fort Recce is a new development under the auspices of the SA Special Forces Heritage Foundation (SASFHF).

The SASFHF is a non-profit entity that ensures the safekeeping, care and development of assets belonging to the SASFA.

Coining the traditions of SA Special Forces over the years, Special Forces Base Camps were at times named or referred to as Forts. In keeping with tradition, it was fitting to name this site and complex Fort Recce. Careful consideration and consultation regarding nature conservation were key initial focal points with
the development and planning of Fort Recce. Modern day renewable energy sources, borehole water, dam construction and water reticulation systems are some of the few key essentials to be included into this sustainable development.



Fort Recce Custodians

As custodians of Fort Recce, we would like to thank you on behalf of the South African Special Forces Heritage Foundation
for your interest and support in a cause that will honour Special Forces Operators who gave their lives for our country, and
support those who still do.




Fort Recce Architectural Model



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Fort Recce coffee shop design


Fort Recce Amphitheater and Memorial planned design


Fort Recce view from coffee shop and museum location





Artist’s image of planned Bar and Braai area

Corporate Park area (Retail and Functions Hall)

The design and architectural planning is complete including all mandatory Town Planning approvals.
Construction is intended to commence during 2017.



Chapel and Accommodation

Entrance to Fort Recce

The Fort Recce Complex

Current application for the Commercial Land Use Rights re-zoning is underway.
The process was initiated in July 2016 and is expected to be completed by end of 2017.

The planned Phases of Development for Fort Recce

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The Founder Patron Qualification Pack
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The Recces - We Fear Naught but God