The Special Forces Operator’s Badge
Silver Operator’s Badge Gold Operator’s Badge With Diamond
for up to 10 years continuous service for more than 10 years continuous service
The Special Forces Operators Badge is the symbol of a qualified South African Special Forces Operator.
The Special Forces Operator’s Badge is awarded to persons who have applied and were evaluated and accepted to undergo and have successfully completed all practical and academic aspects of the Special Forces Pre-selection, Selection and Basic Operators Training Cycle (duration approximately 1 year) of the South African Special Forces and who have thereafter qualified as South African Special Forces Operators.
The Special Forces Operators Badge is comprised of an inverted Commando Knife within a Laurel Wreath.
The Commando Knife denotes Special Forces. The Laurel Wreath denotes Victory. The Special Forces Operators Badge is worn above the right hand side pocket on the uniform, above the name tag, and above any other Proficiency Badge.
The Special Forces Operator’s Badge is a proprietary Special Forces Badge.
It is worn solely and exclusively by qualified South African Special Forces Operators.
Each Special Forces Operator’s badge has a Unique Number. Strict and detailed records are kept of each Special Forces Operator’s Badge against the name of the specific Special Forces Operator to which each uniquely numbered Operator’s Badge was issued.
An Operator’s Badge made of ivory was made available to operator’s who opted to buy them during the 21st
year celebrations of the forming of 1 Reconnaissance Regiment. These badges had the same number as the respective silver badge number assigned to each operator.
The Ivory Operator’s Badge
These beautiful and unique operator’s badges were made for the 21st reunion of 1 Reconnaissance Regiment in Durban.
They were offered to SA Special Forces operators who wanted to purchase them. Most men purchased ivory badges with the
same number as their silver operator’s badges. It was a voluntary process resulting in not every operator having one. The gold operator’s badge, issued for service as an operator for a period of at least 10 years or more, was not in existence at this time.

The Special Forces Attack Divers Badge is the symbol of a qualified South African Special Forces Attack Diver.
The Special Forces Attack Divers Badge was / is awarded to qualified Operators of the South African Special Forces
who were / are members of 4 Reconnaissance Regiment / 4 Special Forces Regiment, the Seaborne Special Forces Regiment.
They have applied and after evaluation were accepted to undergo all practical and academic aspects of the
Special Forces Attack Divers Training Course.The Special Forces Attack Divers Badge is comprised of a Great White shark superimposed over a Trident,
surrounded by a Rebreathing Aqualung Pipe
The Special Forces Attack Divers Badge is worn above the right hand side pocket on the uniform, above the name tag
and below the Special Forces Operators Badge.
The Special Forces Attack Divers Badge is a proprietary Special Forces Badge.
It is worn solely and exclusively by qualified South African Special Forces Operators who are also qualified Attack Divers.
(Pre and Post Rationalisation)
Other than the proprietary Special Forces Badges worn by Qualified Special Forces Operators all qualified Special Forces Operators are also qualified Paratroopers.
All qualified Special Forces Operators (with the exception of Parachuting Instructor qualified Operators who wear different Badges), will also wear one of the following two Paratrooper Badges.
These Paratrooper Wings are worn by qualified Special Forces Operators who have completed and passed the
Paratrooper PT Course, the Paratrooper PT Tests and the Paratrooper Hangar training phase.
Thereafter they completed and passed the Paratrooper Basic Parachute Static-Line Training course of 12 Jumps –
including Kit -, Night Jumps and Tailgating and who have thereafter completed a further 50 Non-Operational Jumps or 1 Operational Jump.
(Also HAHO and HALO)

Training Course and have successfully completed and passed the military Freefall Course.
The wings are also worn by qualified Special Forces Operators who have successfully completed and passed the
Special Forces High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) / High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) Course.The Paratrooper Badge is worn above the left hand side pocket on the uniform above any medals or medal bars.
It is the only Proficiency Badge which may be worn on the left side of the uniform.