ABOUT RECCE Incorporated
RECCE Incorporated (PTY) Ltd is a registered Commercial Company. Our shares are held by the Recce Heritage Trust. We exist to commercialise the RECCE brand for the benefit of the members of SASFA. Our Executive do this as volunteer work so all proceeds of our efforts end up with the members. It is our way of putting back.
As a commercial operation we live by a simple mantra – have fun, make money and do good. We apply these principles in every aspect of building the brand. Our ventures are focused on finding and creating opportunities where the qualities of the soldier can connect to the business we do. Our members have a long history of being TOP OF CLASS. This has been earned by consistently being physically resilient, mentally tough, adaptive and well prepared. In addition, there is the innate ability to excel under adverse conditions. We thrive on it.
We extend these characteristics to our business. We prepare well and we work well in a team. We are a proud brand. We are always looking for new challenges and new frontiers. When we find them – or they find us – we execute by way of a brand use agreement. This allows the parties to add the best of both into a project and unlock value. We love new challenges and are open to a multitude of ideas.
You are invited. Come partner with us.
SASFA is bound by its constitution. This guides the executive and members to our code of conduct
Get a PDF copy of the South African Heritage Foundation's Memorandum of Understanding.
Visit the Recce Inc site and get all the data about the BUA, our events, branded products, missions, services and offerings.