Their Work


The Special Forces mandate has always been to act as : ( Make the statement)

During its 45 years history it has stayed true to this mandate and has provided this ability to the country. During the founding period the conflict traits was that of a bush war where parties engaged over vast spaces where little or no habitation was present. The initial workload was thus mostly that of mobile bush operations where territory was gained and then held by guerrillas. In this period the soldiers did continuous operations that included the following: guerrilla training and support, reconnaissance, mine laying, ambushes, base attacks by foot, base attacks by vehicle, demolitions, airborne assaults, conventional attacks as part of large operations, water borne operations in African rivers, stealth operations, pseudo operations and guerrilla training.

As the conflict intensified and became more and more part of an extended cold war the units added specialised work to the mandate. This led to the development of an urban capacity and a higher focus on raids where impact was measured in effect not on territory. In this application the operations in enemy country included, raids on infrastructure targets like refineries, bridges, communication networks, railway lines and railway locomotives, airfields, houses, ships as well urban assaults.

For the last 25 years the mandate is executed within the expanded African arena and most work is done in support of the African Union. In this the Special Forces has gained renewed reputation for work done in west Africa, Central Africa Republic, DRC and other. It continues to deliver on its mandate.


Handbooks Ovamboland

This Document was compiled for soldiers when they arrived in South West Africa to orientate them on the areas and the conflict...

Handbooks Minor tactics

A copy of an old South African Special Forces organogram...

Handbooks Team leaders

This is a promotional course for soldiers that have spent adequate time and have gathered adequate operational experience to lead men in operations...

The Recces - We Fear Naught but God